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We are not currently accepting affiliates at this time

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate please email us at to be added to the waitlist!


How does it work?

It's simple:

  1. Sign-up using this form
  2. We will automatically create a custom affiliate link or discount code just for you
  3. Share your link/code with friends or followers on social media or in real life
  4. If they buy from your link or enter your code at checkout you get 10% of the order value + they get a 10% discount!
  5. That's it.

You win. Your friends/followers win. We Win.

Why should I become an affiliate?

You have probably already purchased a ZTYN or at least think it's cool. If you plan to show it off to your friends or share your experience online why not get paid to do it?

Signing-up takes just a few minutes and there is no obligation beyond that.

So when your friends ask about your ZTYN just give them your link and get paid. Plus they get a 10% discount just by using your link/code.

Also, the Zyntrend is massive! There are currently an estimated 4-5 million Zyn users just in the US. That number is supposed to 10x by 2030.

ZTYN sales will grow as Zyn grows.

Is there cost involved?


You will never be charged a cent and even after you sign-up there is no obligation to do anything.

You can only make money.

What if I decide I don't want to be an affiliate anymore?

This isn't a job. If you sign-up but then decide you no longer want to be an affiliate all you have to do is....literally nothing.

Just stop sharing or promoting Ztyn and your done, you don't even need to cancel your account.

But if you do want to cancel your account just email us at and we will cancel your affiliate account immediately.

How much can I make?

You will receive 10% of every order you refer to Ztyn.

Ztyns are currently priced at $89 so you can earn $8.90 for every Ztyn you help sell.

You get 10% no matter the order size or quantity.

How do I get paid?

After you sign-up you will receive an email link to your own personal affiliate portal.

In the portal you will be prompted to choose a payment method (bank transfer, PayPal, Venmo, etc).

Every time someone buys from Ztyn using your link/code your portal "Pending" balance is updated instantly.

We will make payouts to your payment method of choice each week.

You will also be able to check your "Pending" and "Paid" balance from this portal as well as access your links/codes and other resources.

Watch this short video for more information:

Didn’t find your answer?

Don't hestitate to contact us